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Producto Estándar





Accessoris: Targetes Interface



  • Endollable, Reequipable
  • LabVIEW VIs per RS232, USB, GPIB i Ethernet
  • Dispositiu quasi completament controlable i configurable
  • Per a les sèries PSI 9000, PSI 8000, PS 8000, EL 3000, EL 9000, PSI 800 R, 800 R BCI
  • Programari de control per a les fonts d'alimentació i càrregues electròniques, eines de CD, cables inclosos (veure detalls)

The pluggable interface cards, made by EA,  offer a unified usability for current and future series of devices. They can be used as the situation requires it. Just plug them (with some restrictions when using two cards at once) and the devices offer either a:

RS232 - CAN - GPIB - Ethernet - USB - Profibus

or a parameterisable analogue interface. There are no or just a few preferences to set before use. All interface cards are galvanically isolated up to 2000V.

The digital variants for CAN, USB, RS232, GPIB, Ethernet or Profibus offer a plenty of possibilities to the user when it is required to control, measure and monitor multiple device of various kinds. They even allow to network our devices to a system. A unique feature is the gateway functionality (PSI 9000 series only). This links the CAN bus system mit either USB or RS232, so that devices that are networked via CAN can be controlled by a PC with a simple serial connection (COM port) or with USB. The data transmission speed is then, of course, limited by the characterics of the serial connection and does not reach full CAN speed. For optimal performance and to use the full spectrum of CAN it is recommended to take a pure CAN solution.

Another interesting feature is the System Link Mode, available at the interface cards for RS232 and USB and currently only supported by the new digital power supplies of the series PSI 9000. If multiple power supplies are connected to a master-slave operation (serial and/or parallel connection), this additional digital communication line is used to build a true master-slave system at which one device is assigned to be the master unit and which will show all  the summed up actual values and also display the set values correctly, so the system acts like one single unit. This also applies for alerts.

The analogue interface card (supported by the series PSI 9000 and PSI 8000) is parameterisable. That means, that the analogue and digital inputs/outputs can be configured to suit the needs of your application. For example, you can control the power supply by a system using the 0...5V range, while the device is using the common 0...10V range. The digital outputs can be used as alerting outputs for various errors like OT, OVP etc. Mor information in the user instruction guide.

The digital interface card IF-G1 (GPIB/IEEE) differs from the other interface by using the standardised SCPI instruction set only. This enables simple integration of the device(s) into existing IEEE systems on one side, but also results in a reduced command list on the other side. The average data transmission speed of this card is very fast, the total command execution time lies at approx. 10-20ms, depending on the command used.

The digital Ethernet card IF-E1B, used for the connection to common networks with 10/100Mbit, offers a DHCP and HTTP server, plus SCPI command language. The network card is almost auto-configuring and only requires three basic parameters for network access.  An additional USB offers the complete functionality of a USB card of type IF-U1 (see above). The web interface provides the ability to access important device data like set values, actual values and status. A command line enables the user to remotely control the device (power supply or electronic load) via the network. This enables easy integration and creation of control and monitoring applications.

There is another digital interface, the Profibus interface card IF-PB1. With this card the user can integrate supported power supply and electronic load series comfortably into a field bus network. It is compatible to DPV0 and DPV1, supports bus speeds of 9.6kBit/s...12MBit/s and up to 32 devices per bus segment. Identification of the units is done with included generic station device (GSD) files.

This overview depicts, which interface cards is supported by which of our power supply or electronic load series, which of our software is compatibe and which cards are support by our LabView-VIs:


Short overview and feature comparison: Interface Cards

Data sheet: Interface cards

USB-to-Analogue interface UTA12

  • Mòdul extern, font d'alimentació a través d'USB
  • VIs de LabVIEW, el programari de control per fonts d'alimentació
  • Control dels valors d'ajust d'intensitat i tensió analògiques
  • Dues sortides analògiques conjunt de valors, dues entrades analògiques de monitor, diverses entrades i sortides digitals
  • Per a la sèrie 3000B PS, PS 9000, 9000 i HV sèries més antigues (a petició)

The universal USB to Analog interface EA-UTA 12 enables to user to control and monitor the EA power supplies, equipped with an analogue interface for 0...10V for current and voltage, by means of a PC. All required software and drivers are included.
Following features are implemented:

  • Seperate setting of current and voltage in the range of 0...10V

  • Seperate measuring of actual value of current and voltage in the range of 0...10V

  • Status signals requestable and settable

  • Control signal

  • Data acquisition and export to Excel style sheet (CSV)

  • Graphical display of value runs

  • Power supply database (for all EA power supplies, user-defined device can be added)

  • For more information see user instruction guide.

Hard and software requirements:

  • Laboratory power supply with analogue 0...10V interface

  • PC with Windows, minimum P3, 800MHz, 64MB RAM, Win98/ ME/ 2000/ XP

A standard cable (for series PS3000B), an USB cable and drivers/software (german/english language) are included in the package. Special adaptor cables available on request .

The interface currently controls power supplies of the following EA series:

  • EA-PS 9000 (adaptor cable required)

  • EA-PS 3000 B

  • other series (special adaptor cable needed) on request

Any other power supply from any vendor is also applicable if the analogue interface meets the technical requirements (0...10V). See the user instruction guide of the UTA12 for further information.


Data sheet: UTA 12


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